BEN7EVAL.ZIP 6696,838 09-06-95 Backup exec for Netware - 30 Day Evaluationversion - By Arcada
CURPTF.ZIP 5,636 06-27-95 (27 JUN 95) - Current patches in Library 9
D70F13.ZIP 670,382 05-10-95 (10 MAY 95) - NOVELL DOS 7 - Update (French)
D70I13.ZIP 670,732 05-10-95 (10 MAY 95) - NOVELL DOS 7 - Update (Italian)
D70S13.ZIP 672,735 05-10-95 (10 MAY 95) - NOVELL DOS 7 - Update (Spanish)
D70U13.ZIP 665,731 05-10-95 (10 MAY 95) - NOVELL DOS 7 - Update (English)
D70U14.ZIP 964,256 08-11-95 (11 AUG 95) - Current update for Novell DOS 7
DDFSEV.ZIP 570,240 05-31-95 (01 AUG 95) - DDFSEV.EXE
DN511.ZIP 118,230 05-18-95 (18 MAY 95) - NDS C++ Library
DSVU41.ZIP 19,702 05-22-95 (22 MAY 95) - DSVIEW of NetWare 4.1
FSL201.ZIP 246,165 07-01-95 FSLOGIN v2.01 <ASP> - Full Screen Login is amenu controlled login program for users ofNovell NetWare. FSLOGIN supports NovellNetWare version 2.x, 3.x and 4.x, includingNDS.
GDSMTP.ZIP 530,443 05-11-95 (11 MAY 95) - Groupwise 4.1 DOS - SMTP Patch
INSTLL.ZIP 817,136 06-09-95 (09 JUN 95) - New INSTALL.NLM & DSI.NLM for N
IPXRT3.ZIP 1186,101 06-16-95 (16 JUN 95) - IPX Upgrade for Netware Servers- IPXRT3.EXE
LI8PRE.ZIP 25,956 05-10-95 (10 MAY 95) - Library PREsales info
LO30A2.ZIP 93,954 06-26-95 (26 JUN 95) - LAN workplace for OS/2 3.0
LO30T1.ZIP 77,594 06-26-95 (26 JUN 95) - Updates stack for LWP for OS/23.0
WANX02.ZIP 116,284 06-16-95 (16 JUN 95) - Maintenance for WAN Extensions3.0
WMENU602.ZIP 288,018 07-12-95 Winmenu for Novell LANs
XOUT4.ZIP 299,690 06-18-95 x-OUT4 Network In-Out Tracking System forWindows(R) version 1.31 dated 06/18/95 fromExtensions Software Corporation. Networksoftware application that provides aneasy-to-use means for users to track office
in-out status. Includes multi-level securityaccess and built-in administration.Network-aware of Novell NetWare(R).